Thursday, June 7, 2007


Hello Everyone and Welcome to my Summer Luau!
Roasted Pig is on the first table to the right along with lobster, shrimp, turkey, ham, and yes, chicken! For the sea food lovers, please help yourself to the fishy pond that was recently restocked with one hundred goldfish..those of you who are not big sea food eaters may want to hand around the bird feeder if you catch my drift... vegetarians...ummmmm theres grass? Oh yeah we set up a table with Cat Grass, Fresh Catnip plants, dried nip, and a wide selection of catnip toys and automatic pole toys. And don't worry, your allowed to prance all over the tables! Also, feel free to play with the grass skirts hanging everywhere, they are made from a secret blend of nip and cat grass. Drinking fountains are at the bass of everytree so you can drink not only in the shade, but away from the noisy party area. Also, a tour guide will be available to take you on walks off the woods at all times....hope you brought your strollers! To enter the Miss Sunshine Contest, simply post a comment and tell me where to find your picture and paragraph by Sunday at noon eastern time. Please also note the live band placed in the center of the party area. They will be playing luau based songs all weekend. For those of you who are going to camp at the party so you don't have to leave, cabins with room service are located at the back of the house, 50 rooms available so please stay! Cat beds and full kitchens in every room! I don't know if any of you enjoy swimming but there is a small pond you may have noticed when pulling up the driveway. Inflatable cat condos and cat trees are sccattered around, and The most important thing? Have fun and show off those limbo talents! ((Alcohilic beverages must remain away from the inflatable cat condos please and may be found at the lodging area)
Hope you enjoy your time!
Oreo the Cat


OreotheCat said...

::Runs in steals a shrimp and runs out..::
::Returns after a second and swips a catgrass pot::

Anonymous said...

hi Oreo! this is all very lovely. thanks for inviting us!

Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

Hi Oreo! Wow, this is great, we've nefur been to a luau before!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh boy, dis is our furst loo owe! Oh, pig and look at all dat fresh nip! Dis is gonna be a blast...Aloha Oreo and happy purrthday, hi Grr, Midnight, Cocoa, Smeago, Strider, Mystery and Gizmo...

Anonymous said...

hey efurrybody - good ta see you! we LOVE oinky goodness, though we usually only get sliced ham. this is GREAT!

::Midnight starts swatting at all the grass skirt decorations::

Anonymous said...

our Lady's gotta take the teenagers to a concert at the school, so she won't be able to help us type for a while. we're gonna stay here and party though.

Mr. Hendrix said...

*Hendrix runs in and sniffs the yummy smells* Hi all! Wow, look at this place, it is wonderful. I hope you all get to see Fiona in her luau dress. Very cool.
Ooo, nip! Grass skirts to play with...fresh haaaammmmmmm *rolls in the grass* I wonder if the band knows any Jimi Hendrix songs...

The Meezers or Billy said...

::swipes some pig and a few shrimps:: - MMMMMMMMM miff if good!!! - Miles

The Meezers or Billy said...

Hi Oreo, it was furry nice of you to invite us! Forgive my brofurr he's a little "overexcited" about all the foods - Sammy

The Meezers or Billy said...

::grabs another mouthful of pig:: - mmmmmmmm miff if really really good!! - Miles

Mr. Hendrix said...

*Hendrix next to Miles gobbling ham* mmm this is very good. very good. Oreo, you've done a great job! I'll have to get mommy to hang a grass skirt for me. And get me a pig.

Mr. Hendrix said...

These grass skirts are better than my nip plant. I'd better save room for some lobster, and shrimp, and oh yeah, turkey and chicken! mmmmmmm This is great.
Oh! Automatic pole toys!

Mr. Hendrix said...

Hey Oreo, I gotta to to bed with mommy in a little bit. I can't wait to come back tomorrow and Sunday!

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Can someone teach me how to do the hula? I'm new to all this...

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

But first, to the ham...

Samantha & Mom said...

Hi Oreo, we are Samantha & Tigger. Thank you for inviting us to your party it is our first Luau, too. Everything looks wonderful.

I smell roasted pig. It looks very inviting. I think I'll go try some.

Hello everyone. It's so nice to see you here. Samantha

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

Mmmmm. Hammmmm. Thank you for the luau.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

KC said...
Wow, i's never seen anyfing like this. Oreo, u's went all out fur this bash.
Hee hee, i's see Miles and ham... NO, NO... it's a real live dead pig.
Look at 'em all diggin in, did you ever see so many goodies?
Purrs, KC

Anonymous said...

Grr ::sitting by the bird feeder:: "c'mon fev-vers, where are you...?"

Midnight: Grr, leave the fev-vers alone and come have some of this real live dead pig. Remember, some of our friends are fev-vers.

Grr: oh, alright. hey, isn't Cocoa kinda overdoing the nip?


Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon said...

i have my hlao skirt on and my pink keenie and i already to go Lilly Lu take a shirmp.

Iris is all upset she truning one on monday too and she said she not truninvg onee becuse she will no longer be a kitten but she missig a great laua

Kimo and Sabi said...

Doh! We missed da party!

Parker said...

Wow, this is great! And I think you may need some more shrimps - BURP! ('scuse me!)

Ali & Fiona said...

Oh Oreo this is a great purrty, Fiona has worn her special party dress.

The Meezers or Billy said...

::checking out the buffet:: hmmmmmmm still some real live dead pig and shrimps ::swipes some shrimps and runs off to the inflatable cat condos:: - Miles

The Meezers or Billy said...

::sitting next to the bird feeder:: - here fev-ver fev-ver fev-ver. - Sammy

Gemini said...

Oh Chey! Look at that lovely cat grass.... Cheysuli are you eating that whole pig? Stop fighting with Miles over it!!!!


It's really a lovely party Oreo, but Chey has no manners around food.

Myst and Blackie said...

Hi, everyone... lovely luau Oreo... we believe we will check out the seafood buffet... thank you for inviting us

Hot(M)BC said...

Wow! Lots and lots of yummies and fun things to do. Great luau Oreo!

DK & The Fluffies said...

MMMMMMM delish Roasted Pig! Fiona and Orlando wants to know if there is any pineapple?

Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

What a great Luau! We haven't been one one before but it's lovely here. Thanks for inviting us all!
::waving paws::

Kashim can't get away from all that georgeous shrimp and Othello is all about that catnip and has found a great place in the sun...

Anonymous said...

::Grr goes to join Sammy at the bird feeder:: hey Sammy, any action yet?

OreotheCat said...

Fresh pineapple has just been delivered along with lots of all the stuffs we need to show any manners, what happens at Oreo's house stays at Oreo's house! Hope you all found the lodging area to your best needs? The band is to play some Jimmy Hendrix tonight and we should be getting some cupcakes filled with nip shortly.....anyone where there hawaian attire? let me know! Glad yous enjoying the luau!
oreo the cat

Samantha & Mom said...

(S)Hi, everyone, we came back for more. it was so much fun last night. Tigger quit chasing your tail. I told you to watch the catnip intake.

(T) Hey, Samantha. I'm having fun. Leave me alone. I'm heading over to the roasted pig. Yummeeeee!!! Wow, Fiona looks great in her Luau dress. See ya, later.

(S) I thought I heard Sophia. Is she still here? I think I'll go look for her.

Daisy said...

What a great party! I have never been to a luau before, either. Oh, and look at all the HAM! Yum, yum, yum!

Oreo, you know how to throw a good party.

Mr. Hendrix said...

I don't have a luau outfit, but anymore of this great nip and I'll have a lampshade on my head! ha ha ha
Limbo time! *dances away spinning round and round*

Mr. Hendrix said...

Oh! Pineapple! That'll go great with shrimp.

Just Ducky said...

Hi Everyone! I finally have time to teleport over, I have been sooooo busy with mum today.

Wow, look at all the food. I will just wander over to the buffet and sample a little of everything.

Great party!

Mr. Hendrix said...

Hi Derby, glad you could make it. This is a great party Oreo!

Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon said...

Lilly Lu helps her self to a toona calota i do luv toona coltia

Iris no your only year have some shirmps indset you hae to be 21 mouths to drink Iris

Mu shue: yummy i love shirmp toona and hawin flaviort chicken

The Meezers or Billy said...

Oreo, I wore my hawaian shert! - Miles

The Meezers or Billy said...

::snarfs a nipcupcake:: - oooooooooooooooooo yummmmmmmmmmmm - Sammy

Mr. Hendrix said...

Sorry, I stepped away to visit Parker. Wow, I am still so full! Wait, yes, I think I found some room on the right side of my tummy. Just enough room for a toona coltia

Mr. Hendrix said...

oooo they're playing my song! *dancing and singing* "All along the watchtower, princes kept the view While all the women came and went, barefoot servants, too.

Outside in the distance a WILDCAT did growl, Two riders were approaching, the wind began to howl."
*starts playing air guitar*

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Here I am! :)

Mmmmm - shrimp! What a great luau party!

OreotheCat said...

Oh mIles u looks so cute=)

OreotheCat said...

glad u likes the shrimp marie! wanna go learn how to hula dance wif me?

OreotheCat said...

You sing it Mr.Hendrix...maybe I should hire you as a band for my next party!

OreotheCat said...

Glad you like Derby!
Everyone needs to take PLENTY of food home..........stuffs your pockets! And a specail treat for any overnight camper......... sardines and caviar for breakfast! of course, if you cant find time to stay all nite let me know and maybe ill direct you to the stash....

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

ok, I would love to learn da hula dance!

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

What a great party, Oreo! More shrimps? Why, thank you! Don't mind if we do. Yum yum.

The Meezers or Billy said...

I has a spot staked out to stay ofurrnight. Sunday is Sammy's 3rd purrfday!!!

::dives into the roast pig with Chey:: - Miles

OreotheCat said...

Miles glad u found a spot!
Man Marie, this is just coming naturally to us, no? Riley and Tiki YOU MUST take some shrimps home!

Mr. Hendrix said...

I'd love to sing at your next party! I'm going to take a little nap now, but I'll be up early tomorrow! Sardines and caviar for breakfast? Oreo, you are to good to us!

Just Ducky said...

Ummm Oreo? I have a question. How can I stuff my pockets with food, when I don't wear clothes? My fur has no pockets!

But could I please have a nice to go container? Some ham, that lovely roast turkey. Well just throw in some of everything!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

::yawn:: I think I'll camp out here tonight. Mom's kinda cranked up about me doing my 'business' in da plant~Sadie

Tara said...

Got here kind of late, had to stop by Parker's...lots of parties this weekend!

I see lots of kitties camped out for the night! I'll have a bite of ham and some tuna juice, then maybe I'll bite Sammy's tail...


Mr. Hendrix said...

Aw man, what happened?? To much nip I think. Well, I've heard that saying, "the hair of the dog that bit yeah!" I'm headed back to the skirts before breakfast. That should help this headache...

The Meezers or Billy said...

::yawns, stretches, wanders over to see if there's more shrimp:: - morning efurrybody! - Miles

Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon said...

is it time for ice cream cake yet i love this i haveing so much fun hay mu shue you moveing did you have too much nip again

Lilly Lu ( who is 7 tomrow)

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Ouchie, my hed! Oooo to much nip and catini's...Whoa, I'm gonna sleeep all day tomoro too! Hey, ders still pig left! Mmmm, ymum...~Sadie

Magoo, Smudge, Bella & Dolce said...

We's can't stay long but we all wanted to come by and says hi to all our furriends.

Mr. Hendrix said...

Oreo, this has been so much fun. Thanks for doing such a great job. I'd better get home and sleep this off. I had a wonderful time!
Bye all!

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Hey Oreo!!

Sorry we couldn't make the Luau until today! Wow, this is some spread! And there's still lots left even after two days of partying!!

I'm gonna wander around and investimigate stuff!


Oh wow!!! Oreo!!! This is a great luau!!! There's nip EVERYWHERE!!!!! ::headbutt:: I LOVE nip!!! And I can go on the tables?!? I get chased around by my Food Lady-Mom if I go on the tables at home!!!! And cat trees and kitty condos and everything!!!You throw the greatest party!!!


OreotheCat said...

Sorry mommy forgot about da no pockets.........257 glad to go containers have just arrived! If you do not take any home with you, expect to see me on your doorstep tomorrow! Thanks everyone for coming! and happy birthday LIlly Lu!

Skeezix the Cat said...

We were all sik this weekend, and we wernt up for partying, but we're happy evrybuddy had a grate time!

Ingrid said...

Arthur and his sisters Pookie, Kim and Lisa invites themselves ! but don't cook or roast anything he loves raw meat ! Today I will pick up a new family member Rosel, a 6 week old kitten then they will have to play and not lay around all day and nap !