Sunday, June 17, 2007

Hello everyone!
I hope you all had a good time at my luau....ive been busy cleaning up all the mess from the party.....there was sure a lot of leftovers!!! The title of Miss Sunshine 2007 goes to.....
drum roll please.......
Lilly Lu! Everyone please stop by her blog and tell her congratulations, she is now blogger royalty. Let me be the first to say CONGRATULATIONS LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE! YOUR BEAUTIFUL!!!!Im still trying to find me a summer camp to crash at without much luck...all i can find is doggy camps...any suggestions? Maybe ill just go up to New York i hear there very Pet Friendy. Has anyone ever been there/live there? Id appreicaite any feedback!
Oreo the Cat


Ingrid said...

Unfortunately can't help, we are living on the other side of the world, lol !

The Cat Realm said...

I Dare you...!
Come on over and check it out.
from The Cat Realm

WOW. Wat happened to you???
I guess we didn't come visit - SORRY - so we didn't even see that you were not posting!

Is everything o.k.???

Karen Jo said...

I hope you found a good summer camp and that you are not posting because that's where you are.

Ingrid said...

Unfortunately can't help you, we are living too far away, lol !

The Cat Realm said...

What happened to you????
I have another dare but you are gone....?

X9999 said...

This great blog. Thanks by Black Friday Book 2011