Zues is hosting a Mr.Litterbox competition! Be sure to check out all the beautiful tom cats and take part in voting when the time comes! I myself think Skeezix's pictures are just handsome and he deserves something for lifting that huge weight above his head, but thats just me...and if your a boy cat, be sure to enter for your chance to great prizes! And be sure to thank Zues for another great contest!
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Friday, February 23, 2007
My Auction and Contest!
Okay Okay, since i'm disobeying Mommy and not giving treats up for lent ((Mommy's Catholic)) i figured I should do a lenten project to help the less fortunate...but I want to have fun to since i missed Mardi Gras! So, i'm having a auction AND contest! The auction will consist of three items. The contest, coincidentally, will consist of three prizes. Details for both are below! All money raised will go to help with shipping on all the shoe boxes Mommy and Kristen are collecting for the poor children around the World for Christmas. The program there doing it for is called "Operation Christmas Child." It gives out shoe-boxes full of useful and fun items to children who have never known christmas, and who otherwise would go without new clothes, toothbrushes, soap, school supplies, and other items included in the boxes. Its really a great program! Have a good day everyone, and enter the contest and bid if you can!
Auction Details!
The Auction will consist of three items:
1. A small unity afgan
This will have two different sides, one blue,one white, sewn together at the middle to create one afgan to symbol us kitties being one with the poor children........It will also feature a Operation Christmas Child button clipped onto one corner! This is be approzimately one and a half feet by one and a half feet
2. A mini bottle of Sweet Pea Bath and Body Works Bath Gel
Perfect for a sweetheart, grammy, or mommy! Show them your appreciation and they'll know you really love them, and not that you just get them things when you feel obliged like on their birthday!
3. One Magic Square
Perfect for any occasion! Go to MagicSquares4all.blogspot.com for more details!
Beggining prices are listed below and can be paid in cash, check, or money order. Just post comment with your bid! Auction Begins now and ends on March 24, 2007, my birfday!
Afgan: $10
Bath and Body Works: $3
Magic Square: $2
Contest Details!
Guess the highest bidder on each item! Post comment below with your guesses by March 14,2007. Prize for the correct guess in each category. Prize will be one (1) Magic Square! In the case of a tie, both guessers will recieve a magic square!
Remeber to have fun!
Auction Details!
The Auction will consist of three items:
1. A small unity afgan
This will have two different sides, one blue,one white, sewn together at the middle to create one afgan to symbol us kitties being one with the poor children........It will also feature a Operation Christmas Child button clipped onto one corner! This is be approzimately one and a half feet by one and a half feet
2. A mini bottle of Sweet Pea Bath and Body Works Bath Gel
Perfect for a sweetheart, grammy, or mommy! Show them your appreciation and they'll know you really love them, and not that you just get them things when you feel obliged like on their birthday!
3. One Magic Square
Perfect for any occasion! Go to MagicSquares4all.blogspot.com for more details!
Beggining prices are listed below and can be paid in cash, check, or money order. Just post comment with your bid! Auction Begins now and ends on March 24, 2007, my birfday!
Afgan: $10
Bath and Body Works: $3
Magic Square: $2
Contest Details!
Guess the highest bidder on each item! Post comment below with your guesses by March 14,2007. Prize for the correct guess in each category. Prize will be one (1) Magic Square! In the case of a tie, both guessers will recieve a magic square!
Remeber to have fun!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Fursday 13!
Furteen tings i miss about Libby Marie, my angel sister:
1. When me and her would play through the screens
2. When she would stare at me until Abby noticed I was outside
3. When she laid in front of the door to show me her beautiful colors
4. How happy she made Abby
5. How beautiful she was
6. How I got her yummy food and now they just get me specail kitty!
7. How she always shared her toys wif me
8. Watching them turn the chimney to keep Libby warm ((it was fun to watch))
9. I miss a great friend
10. Not having her around
11. Here beautiful face
12. Her seldom spoken words of wisdom
13. The poems she wrote
Rest in Peace Libby! We all Luv Ya Bunches!
1. When me and her would play through the screens
2. When she would stare at me until Abby noticed I was outside
3. When she laid in front of the door to show me her beautiful colors
4. How happy she made Abby
5. How beautiful she was
6. How I got her yummy food and now they just get me specail kitty!
7. How she always shared her toys wif me
8. Watching them turn the chimney to keep Libby warm ((it was fun to watch))
9. I miss a great friend
10. Not having her around
11. Here beautiful face
12. Her seldom spoken words of wisdom
13. The poems she wrote
Rest in Peace Libby! We all Luv Ya Bunches!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Check out mommys blog!
Check out Abby's blog, MagicSquares4all.blogspot.com if you are looking for a charity to help start off the Catholic season off Lent...it behinds little boys and girls around the World! Later on, before Abby sends her boxes i am going to auction away something to help with the shipping costs, but i am unsure of what yet....suggestions anyone??? Thanks for looking and thanks times INFINITY if you help Abby and Kristen help the poor kids! Cats can make a difference!
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Im so excited i can barely hold still to type this! When i told Abby Lucky Charmz had accpeted my date proposal, she was very happy for me. She was so happy, she let me pick a new dress out and then she ordered it for me!! It is my first dress ever, and it fits all the guidelines i have set for my spring wardrobe.
1. It is floral, very springy
2. THE FLOWERS ARE PINK! What more needs to be said?
3. Its a minidress, to show Lucky my nicely sculpted legs
My dress should be here sometime in the next 3 weeks and i simply can NOT wait!! Id show you guys a picture, but i want it to be a surprise for Mr. Charming........Have a good day everyone! Dont get too excited about my new dress!!
PS Happy early bday Abby!
1. It is floral, very springy
2. THE FLOWERS ARE PINK! What more needs to be said?
3. Its a minidress, to show Lucky my nicely sculpted legs
My dress should be here sometime in the next 3 weeks and i simply can NOT wait!! Id show you guys a picture, but i want it to be a surprise for Mr. Charming........Have a good day everyone! Dont get too excited about my new dress!!
PS Happy early bday Abby!
Friday, February 16, 2007
Its official!
Its official!
Its official!
This Weekend...
This weekend i will bea taking a break from blogging. My paws get tired when i have to type by myslef, and Abby's going away with her friends for her birthday. And tomorow, she has to meet with the Shoebox Lady to talk about packing shoeboxes full of toys and clothes and toofbrushes for the poor little kids in Africa for Christmas Then she has to go to Church, and then her and her friends Befany, Kristen, and Jessie, are all going to a hotel to relax. Theres even a pool Abby says! Can you imagine what gooney bird would want to get wet? Sometimes, humans are just so weird. Well then the next day shes going to Grammies for lunch.....so i should be back blogging Sunday night.....im sure ill have something intersting happen while Abby's gone ill have to tell u about too!! Have fun weekends!
and one last fing
"Happy Birfday Abby! i wuv u! thanks 4 being the best Abby ever!
and one last fing
"Happy Birfday Abby! i wuv u! thanks 4 being the best Abby ever!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
I saw me kissing Lucky Charmz
Underneath the big blue sky last night
What a surprise it would have been
If Abby had only seen
Me kissing Lucky Charmz
Underneath the big blue sky
Last Night
Hope everyone had as good Valentine as i did! I got to spend it with my purrrrfect Valentine, Lucky Charmz. I would also like to say concats to Chey who won Zues's Miss Litterbox 2007 Contest. Did you see her dress? It was gorgeous! You go girl!
Underneath the big blue sky last night
What a surprise it would have been
If Abby had only seen
Me kissing Lucky Charmz
Underneath the big blue sky
Last Night
Hope everyone had as good Valentine as i did! I got to spend it with my purrrrfect Valentine, Lucky Charmz. I would also like to say concats to Chey who won Zues's Miss Litterbox 2007 Contest. Did you see her dress? It was gorgeous! You go girl!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Just a quick reminder!
I no most of you have your calendars marked for March 24th, a saturday, for my bday party, so while your calendars are out you can make a mark on July 27th, a friday, to celebrate Angel Libbys birthday, and Decemeber 11th, to celebrate the day Libby got her wings! At both events there will be a surprsie i hope many of you will enjoy! Please pass the word on about these two dates becasue Abby lost touch with many of Libbys old friends. Everyone is invited! More details to come later on! And my B-day party details will be out mid-march! save the date!
I feel Loved!
Monday, February 12, 2007
Two Things Tuesday!
Today is two things tuesday!!! I thought i would list two things that i am thankful for to show my appreciatation!
Number 1: i am thankful to the makers of Temptations that they came up with such a good treat so many kitties love!
Number 2: I am thankful Abby gave me a forever home, even though i still call her my foster mommy.........
you know what else? we have a snow storm warning here in Wellston, Ohio! Were supposed to get 6-12 inches of snow!!! I bet ill be thankful for my kitty cube when im sleepin warm and toasty in there tonight!! But i will admit, i do get kinda scared in there. The main reason is because i think a coon or a possom or a weird boy kitty might jump in the kitty cube when im in there sleeping and start a fight...so i take precaution when laying in it....
Rule 1: always face the open hole, even if the wind does blow in your face
Rule 2: Never lay under the blankie!! one of the above listed threats may not no your in the kitty kube and begin to take over! Heaven knows, he may even steal my wardrobe! ((the joke wold however be on him, i havent been shopping since November so everything is amost out of style, im gonna ask Abby for new clothes for my birthday! Spring will be fun this year! Baby doll tanks are back into style and just calling my name! Everyone take care!
Number 1: i am thankful to the makers of Temptations that they came up with such a good treat so many kitties love!
Number 2: I am thankful Abby gave me a forever home, even though i still call her my foster mommy.........
you know what else? we have a snow storm warning here in Wellston, Ohio! Were supposed to get 6-12 inches of snow!!! I bet ill be thankful for my kitty cube when im sleepin warm and toasty in there tonight!! But i will admit, i do get kinda scared in there. The main reason is because i think a coon or a possom or a weird boy kitty might jump in the kitty cube when im in there sleeping and start a fight...so i take precaution when laying in it....
Rule 1: always face the open hole, even if the wind does blow in your face
Rule 2: Never lay under the blankie!! one of the above listed threats may not no your in the kitty kube and begin to take over! Heaven knows, he may even steal my wardrobe! ((the joke wold however be on him, i havent been shopping since November so everything is amost out of style, im gonna ask Abby for new clothes for my birthday! Spring will be fun this year! Baby doll tanks are back into style and just calling my name! Everyone take care!
Sunday, February 11, 2007

How was everycats weekend? Mine was great, spent hopping along in the snow tryin to find something fresh and green to eat. Or a flyey thing. Sure my meow mix was sitting on the porch in my cat bowl but who wants that old stuff when theres the crispy tender green slivers called "grass." And who wants to just eat from a bowl? You gotta yank it outta the ground with your sharp teeth and then chewy it all up. Thats the right way to eat. You haven't lived till you've eaten like that. But, with the snow all over the ground it's hard to find anything fresh and green these days......sometimes in the red rocks around the front of the house some grass pops up and they pull it out and put it in a nice little pile that im sure is just for me....Libby once told me they were called weeds and were meant for wild cats but im sure she was just trying to lower my self-esteem. After looking for some grass and hopping in the snow, i finally went to the Valentines Party Beau Beau and Angie had...it was very esquisite! I think it has been the best party this year (((excluding the fact i've only been to that one)))) shrimp, temptations, crab galore! There were even automatic drinking fountains and lots of toys! I asked Abby and she said for my b-day we can have a party like theres.....she has to start trying to figure out how to set the chat room up! Just for the record so you can all save the date, were celebrating my third b-day on March 24 unless thats a week day...then we will go for the closest friday......hope every one had just as much fun as me this weekend!
ps these two pictures are of things that happened this weekend...this was the dress i was going to were to the V-day party but mom couldn't get me into it...photoshop help anyone? I would be much obliged!
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Zues' Miss Litterbox 2007 Contest!
Friday, February 9, 2007
Finally got My Blogger Blog!

I finally have gotten my blogger blog! I starteed a blog at wordpress.com casue blogger keep freezing, but Abby helped me (((yes i accpeted help)))) and finally its running! pictures below in the right size unlike on my previous blog! I hope to make lots of friends! For those of you who don't no me, my names Oreo the Cat and i like climbing trees, catching flying things, doing whatever i want, and most of all, enjoying my youth! I like to be petted and treated nicely and pampered....im very girly but independant! Nice to meet you all! I have to go find a dress for the Valentine party!
~~~~ Oreo~~~~
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