Oreo's Charity Easter Auction!
All moneys raised will go to help ship Abby's shoeboxes to poor kids around the world through Operation Christmas Child. For this program, you pack a shoe box with hygiene items, clothes, toys, and candy. You select an age group, and then drop the box of at a local church with a $7 donation to help cover shipping per box. Abby and her friend are packing 48 boxes, so they need to earn $366 dollars! All prices include shipping, and preferred method of payment is money order, but checks will be accpeted, So bid away fellow kitties, it's for a good cause!
The first item up for bid is one, count it one, pink floral kitty dress. It is a size small, never been warm. It was boughten from the store "Icy Cool Product" and i intened to wear it on my date with Lucky Charmz. However, judging from the size, Abby says theres no way i can get into it.

If you would like to see size measurements, you can visit www.icycoolproduct.com
Bidding starts at $15
The second item up for grabs is a kitty sized Unity Afgan. This afgan with be a spring afgan, so it will be open and airy. It will be made of different sides each a color, joined together at the middle. This shows how all us kitties are one in the same with kitties everywhere, hence, Unity Afgan. Abby is waiting to crochet it till after the auction, so whoever wins can specify if they would like it to be pink&white or blue&white.
Bidding starts at $15
Thanks for helping out everyone!
Oreo the Cat